Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Grace Meng's Response Regarding Her Father Jimmy Meng's Arrest on Federal Bribery Charges

This quote says it all.

"I am shocked and deeply saddened by these allegations. Prior to this afternoon’s reports, I had no knowledge of my father’s actions or the investigation. I am independent of my father – always have been, always will be. Until more facts emerge and we have a better understanding of the situation, the only thing further I’ll say is that I urge my father to fully cooperate with all authorities. " - Assemblywoman Grace Meng

Major News Outlets Ignore District Leader Uma Sengupta's Fraud Case Regarding Toby Stavisky Petitions

I didn't realize getting Results for the community
meant to take advantage of them.

Her name is Uma Sengupta, a Democratic Party Official, and if you didn't read the blogs you wouldn't know that your identity could have been stolen right from under your nose, or worse from a beloved deceased relative.

Sengupta learned her politics of deception and lies from the leadership of digraced former Assemblyman Brian Mclaughlin (who's presently serving a 10 year prison term for racketeering), Toby Stavisky, and McLaughlin's former chief of staff, Evan Stavisky. 

Oh my. Everyone needs to look into this. Birds of a feather tend to commit fraud together.

I went to Uma’s building and tried to talk to her about this and no response. Security guard wouldn’t let me in.

She took advantage of the people.
A closer look at Toby Stavisky Petitions shows potential fraud committed by District Leader Uma Sengupta – a District Leader installed by Evan Stavisky, Toby Stavisky, and disgraced former Assemblyman and District Leader Brian McLaughlin.
Recently in the Times Ledger a spokesperson for the Stavisky’s intimated that anyone who committed fraud in the petition should be prosecuted.
Well Toby, are you going to call up D.A Brown and ask for an investigation into the 25th A.D Democratic Leader, Uma Sengupta or are you going to let your political associate and close personal friend, ally, and a key member of your campaign team off the hook?
Senator, even though it’s your friend and even though you are relying on her to pull votes for you for the Primary Election, you have a moral and legal obligation to call up your friend District Attorney Richard Brown to investigate the allegations of fraud in your petition.
Look, we know it’s embarrassing. No elected official wants to wake up and read the paper in the morning only to find out that DEAD people signed their designating petition, but your time to take the moral high ground is NOW.
Our political system is sacred and when politicians violate the trust of people and stand idly by and watch people’s identity stolen and used for political purposes the people are victimized and if Toby fails to act, the people will be victimized twice.
Now is the time to prove us wrong. Everyone says that the Stavisky’s have two sets of rules: the ones they want everyone to follow and their own. Show us that you are not a self serving, selfish politician. Act now to protect the integrity of our political system.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Toby Stavisky Brings Dead People Back To Life

You’re dead but that doesn’t mean that you lose your rights to participate in the electoral process, just ask Toby Stavisky.

That’s right folks, you have nothing to worry about. Years after your demise, you can still influence politics and government. Hell, you can even sign a designating petition for Toby Stavisky for State Senate! That’s right, the arrogant Stavisky’s sent swarms of their faithful followers to the street to get petitions. The only problem is, the Stavisky’s workers were more interested in practicing other people’s penmanship than working hard.

 You see, they are just like Toby – they follow her lead. Toby Stavisky absent from Flushing for 13 years . Invisible outside of Bay Terrace and Le Harve and her only concern is making sure that her son, Evan has enough money for a new mansion in Rockland County and to pay for a cheap apartment in Flushing, Queens where he does not live. I venture to think that in November more fraud will be had and I’ll take it a step further that the Staviskys will smile, look you in the eye, and blame someone else because that’s what they do best. Hats off to John Messer and his team of for exposing the Stavisky’s for the fraud they are.

Fraud, Fraud, and more Fraud – The Stavisky Legacy.

As I was trolling through the Internet and googling, I wondered upon a site called The Stavisky Report . Fascinating reading. But what struck me and hit me the hardest was an article highlighting the Staviskys relationship with convicted felon, Brian Mclaughlin. Below please find a copy of that article. Take a few minutes to read it, but more importantly- make sure you read the last paragraph and if you are a crazy political animal like me, read the whole thing including the Mclaughlin Indictment. When you are finished you will ask the same question that was asked at the Stavisky report, how does a Chief of Staff not know all this corruption is going on?

My guess is Evan knew a lot more...

From The Stavisky Report:

Evan Stavisky was long the Chief of Staff for corrupt felon and former Assemblyman Brian M. McLaughlin, a Queens assemblyman who as head of the nation’s biggest municipal labor council personified New York City’s politically powerful labor movement,. Evan also served as the Lobbyist for some of the same unions that came under scrutiny during the arrest. Is Evan Stavisky as guilty as Brian McLaughlin? What did he know and when did he know it? When McLaughlin was arrested on federal racketeering charges involving embezzlement, receiving bribes, fraud and money laundering. Charges he ultimately plead guilt too.

A 186-page indictment charges Mr. McLaughlin, 54, with illegally obtaining $2.2 million from taxpayers, labor unions and contractors as President of the New York City Central Labor Council, a federation of 400 union locals with one million members.

The accusations range from the Dickensian (stealing $95,000 from Little League baseball teams to pay his rent) to the brazen (creating two no-show jobs on his legislative payroll and keeping part of one salary), according to the painstakingly detailed racketeering indictment.

Mr. McLaughlin and Stavisky have been joined at the hip their entire political career with the Assemblyman and Senator Stavisky sharing consultants, friends and endorsing most of the same candidates. Evan Stavisky was the major player in McLaughlin’s office and when Law enforcement officials said that Mr. McLaughlin used subordinates as “personal servants,” to take his dog to the veterinarian, hang Christmas lights, trap rodents in his basement and clean out his barn. Did Evan ever report any of this misdeeds to the authorities and McLaughlin’s Chief of Staff or as his lobbyist or his chief political adviser? The answer is NO!

Brian used more than $330,000 from his re-election campaign funds to pay for personal expenses like a rehearsal dinner for his son’s wedding, renovation of his $760,000 house in Suffolk County near Long Island Sound, payment of his country club membership fees and the purchase and installation of a plasma television for a female friend. He was convicted of using stolen money for an $80,000 Mercedes-Benz for his wife, marina fees, school tuition for one of his children, rent payments on his Albany residence and rent payments on his Queens residence. What did Evan know? How can you be the Chief Political aide and confidant with this going on and not know?

Michael J. Garcia, the United States attorney for Manhattan, said the extent of the thefts was “stunning in its breadth and scope,” at a news conference.“This case lends a new meaning to the term ‘hand in the till,’ ” he said.

Asked why Mr. McLaughlin would go to so much trouble to steal money when he was making what many would consider much more than a decent living — $263,600 in combined salaries and expenses as an assemblyman and labor council president — Mr. Garcia said he could not offer any insight, except to say, “What we have here is really a story of greed.”

For more than a decade, Mr. McLaughlin and Evan Stavisky were among the most influential labor leaders and labor organizers in New York City and in the state, providing pivotal early support for candidates.

Some labor experts said they were shocked by the scope of the accusations, which represented a huge embarrassment to labor, but Evan Stavisky and Toby Stavisky were noticeably silent. It seems that the Stavisky’s seek to talk about other peoples associations but fail to look in the mirror.
It is typical of Evan Stavisky when it was found that his mothers petitions were permeated with fraud to try and throw mud, maybe we should look at Evans background and how much he profits from his mother being a Senator. How much he made lobbying for Brian McLaughlin, where he lives maybe show video tapes of him exiting his Rockland County home, instead of his phony apartment in Queens.

Political Clown Ron Kim Juggles Assembly Bid

When I was younger, I would love when my father would take me to the circus. I would enjoy the ride on the carousel, but the clowns, they always stole the show. When many years have passed and now my passion is community and political involvement, but one thing still hasn’t changed, the clowns still steal the show . Thus is the case with Ron Kim. I have never seen a bigger political clown in my entire life. Does anyone actually think that this man has an independent bone in his slimy body?

 Does anybody think that if the voters of this district sent him to Albany, that he would represent them? Ladies and gentlemen – let the truth be told loud and clear now. Ron Kim is a joke. And if he’s elected, sadly the jokes on us, the electorate because when he goes up to Albany he will be part and parcel of the corrupt Parkside machine. If ethics and government mean something to you, choose another candidate. If you are Korean and believe in ethnic pride, vote for Myunk Suk Lee. If you are Chinese and want experience, vote for Yen Chou. But whatever you do, protect our community by rejecting the clown, Ron Kim.

Say It Isn’t So Jimmy

Flushing was dealt a devastating blow with the arrest of former assembly member, Jimmy Meng.

He was once considered a tough political fighter with a sense of supporting the right candidates often using his ground troops in a massive field operation that controlled Flushing Politics. However some people get too greedy. With his daughter on the verge of making history, Jimmy decided to make history of his own. Do I think that Grace Meng knew? Probably not, because if she did she would smack the crap out of him.

So another politician gets arrested, another politician is under investigation and the residents of Flushing are embarrassed again. Folks, it’s time to throw all of the bums out.

The Parkside Political Puppet David Weprin Endorses Toby Stavisky.

David Weprin, former City Council Member and failed Parkside candidate for Congress (and Parkside client), announces his support and endorsement of Toby Stavisky. Am I surprised? Is anyone surprised? I’m not.
Political dynasties - where the candidates lack substance - tend to stick together and everyone in government knows when David was Chair of the City Council Finance Committee he helped make Evan Stavisky a rich man.

That’s right; you heard it here on The Flushing Report, Evan Stavisky profits from more than just his Mommy.