Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Major News Outlets Ignore District Leader Uma Sengupta's Fraud Case Regarding Toby Stavisky Petitions

I didn't realize getting Results for the community
meant to take advantage of them.

Her name is Uma Sengupta, a Democratic Party Official, and if you didn't read the blogs you wouldn't know that your identity could have been stolen right from under your nose, or worse from a beloved deceased relative.

Sengupta learned her politics of deception and lies from the leadership of digraced former Assemblyman Brian Mclaughlin (who's presently serving a 10 year prison term for racketeering), Toby Stavisky, and McLaughlin's former chief of staff, Evan Stavisky. 

Oh my. Everyone needs to look into this. Birds of a feather tend to commit fraud together.

I went to Uma’s building and tried to talk to her about this and no response. Security guard wouldn’t let me in.

She took advantage of the people.
A closer look at Toby Stavisky Petitions shows potential fraud committed by District Leader Uma Sengupta – a District Leader installed by Evan Stavisky, Toby Stavisky, and disgraced former Assemblyman and District Leader Brian McLaughlin.
Recently in the Times Ledger a spokesperson for the Stavisky’s intimated that anyone who committed fraud in the petition should be prosecuted.
Well Toby, are you going to call up D.A Brown and ask for an investigation into the 25th A.D Democratic Leader, Uma Sengupta or are you going to let your political associate and close personal friend, ally, and a key member of your campaign team off the hook?
Senator, even though it’s your friend and even though you are relying on her to pull votes for you for the Primary Election, you have a moral and legal obligation to call up your friend District Attorney Richard Brown to investigate the allegations of fraud in your petition.
Look, we know it’s embarrassing. No elected official wants to wake up and read the paper in the morning only to find out that DEAD people signed their designating petition, but your time to take the moral high ground is NOW.
Our political system is sacred and when politicians violate the trust of people and stand idly by and watch people’s identity stolen and used for political purposes the people are victimized and if Toby fails to act, the people will be victimized twice.
Now is the time to prove us wrong. Everyone says that the Stavisky’s have two sets of rules: the ones they want everyone to follow and their own. Show us that you are not a self serving, selfish politician. Act now to protect the integrity of our political system.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having posted this and thusly made my recent negative sentiment towards this political wolf in sheep's clothing legitimate and not simply based on her demeanor from when I have encountered her as well as from what I have overheard about her being like Louisiana's Governor Bobby Jindal: For Ms. Sengupta when it comes to getting her family into office too, she's a big fan of her own culture if it will benefit the voting and she'll forget all about India if it will be a benefit on Election Day! Sinful and embarrassing actions. Thank You again and be blessed.
