Saturday, July 28, 2012

Say It Isn’t So Jimmy

Flushing was dealt a devastating blow with the arrest of former assembly member, Jimmy Meng.

He was once considered a tough political fighter with a sense of supporting the right candidates often using his ground troops in a massive field operation that controlled Flushing Politics. However some people get too greedy. With his daughter on the verge of making history, Jimmy decided to make history of his own. Do I think that Grace Meng knew? Probably not, because if she did she would smack the crap out of him.

So another politician gets arrested, another politician is under investigation and the residents of Flushing are embarrassed again. Folks, it’s time to throw all of the bums out.


  1. This is now going to mean a lot to the Grace Meng campaign. I say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree and it has been and is Jimmy that has been pulling the strings for Gracie- providing her with devisive methods to scam her constituency who can't look beyond skin color and ethnicity for what she is. How much do you want to wager that Grace doesn't make to November. Go Dan Halloran.

  2. This is a millionaire family. Pretty obvious how they got that way. This is like Alan Hevesi and andy Hevesi except andy didn't run his dad's campaign. Racial politics is unappealing anyway. Meng and her Asian Jesus crowd politics is hardly progressive.
