Saturday, July 28, 2012

Political Clown Ron Kim Juggles Assembly Bid

When I was younger, I would love when my father would take me to the circus. I would enjoy the ride on the carousel, but the clowns, they always stole the show. When many years have passed and now my passion is community and political involvement, but one thing still hasn’t changed, the clowns still steal the show . Thus is the case with Ron Kim. I have never seen a bigger political clown in my entire life. Does anyone actually think that this man has an independent bone in his slimy body?

 Does anybody think that if the voters of this district sent him to Albany, that he would represent them? Ladies and gentlemen – let the truth be told loud and clear now. Ron Kim is a joke. And if he’s elected, sadly the jokes on us, the electorate because when he goes up to Albany he will be part and parcel of the corrupt Parkside machine. If ethics and government mean something to you, choose another candidate. If you are Korean and believe in ethnic pride, vote for Myunk Suk Lee. If you are Chinese and want experience, vote for Yen Chou. But whatever you do, protect our community by rejecting the clown, Ron Kim.


  1. Ron Kim is a thief and a bad man.... If you are Korean you should reject him and vote for Mr. Lee

  2. Lee profits from prostitution- what a joke, is this guy still running?! Flushing deserves better. In fact, Flushing at the very least deserves a representative to Albany who speaks English. I've heard Yen Chou and Lee speak - I can't understand them. If you're an American of Korean, Chinese, Latino, European, African, or whatever descent - you should vote for Ron Kim, someone who speaks our language - ENGLISH.

  3. Ron kim is a thief

  4. Ron Kim is a racist. He routinely uses the derogatory Korean word for Chinese people (janggae) when he is amongst Koreans.

  5. Ron kim married his Chinese wife for money a day political gain. She is so dumb it is not funny.

  6. I agree with the previous post. I have met her at some ABC events and she is as dumb as a brick. She is being used by her ambitious politician husband. Good thing she doesn't know what a room cafe is.
