Monday, August 20, 2012

$177 Bagel Apparently Made With Glazed Ham

How corrupt are incumbent politicians? They think they can get away with practically anything! Here's a little tidbit that you shouldn't forget at the polls... Seabrook's Bagel!

NEW YORK (AP) — The evidence at the ongoing corruption trial of New York City Councilman Larry Seabrook includes a mundane $5.55 receipt from McDonald’s for a burger and a medium Sprite. A receipt from Dunkin’ Donuts shows a charge for an unremarkable $2.50.
But the one from a deli near City Hall for a Snapple and a bagel sandwich is harder to digest.
The total: $177.64.

Federal prosecutors say Seabrook submitted the receipt for reimbursement — and that it wasn’t an innocent misprint. Instead, they call it convincing proof of how he doctored expenses and used other tricks to line his pockets and line up jobs for his girlfriend, sister and others close to him.
The 60-year-old councilman “operated his own corrupt, City Council-funded friends and family plan,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in announcing the charges last year.
Seabrook has company: In the past two years, a steady parade of local and state lawmakers and their staffers has been accused in federal courthouses in Manhattan and Brooklyn of abusing their authority for personal gain.

One investigation focused on accusations that a hospital executive sought to bribe three legislators for statehouse favors in Albany. The executive and one of the lawmakers were convicted this year; another assemblyman was acquitted and third is awaiting trial.

Other cases, including Seabrook’s, involve allegations that taxpayer money and private donations meant for nonprofit groups offering programs for needy constituents morphed into slush funds for politicians’ personal expenses.

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