Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Convicted Felon To Handle Your BOE Case

From City and State: As a convicted felon, John Haggerty cannot vote, but he still can try to get people thrown off the ballot.
Haggerty’s well-publicized legal troubles aren’t preventing him from arguing cases today at the New York City Board of Elections.  Here’s Haggerty a few minutes ago before the 10-member board arguing with Vincent Tabone, the executive vice-chairman of the Queens Republican Party. Haggerty has long sought to overthrow the leadership of the party, which is run by Tabone and Queens GOP chairman Phil Ragusa.
According to Tabone, Haggerty, renowned for his prowess at ballot challenges, filed a slew against the Queens GOP’s candidates – even those that are running unopposed. The challenges were largely not successful, and ballot challenges for Queens races are now finished.

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