Friday, August 10, 2012

Toby Stavisky Campaigning On The Tax Payer’s Dime

The rules don’t seem to apply to Parkside's chief hack, Toby Stavisky.
There she is, state Senator Toby Stavisky at a public event in the height of a hotly contested election handing out taxpayer subsidized literature.
Stavisky’s literature crossed the line of honest, rule abiding government and into the realm of a cheap election stunt.
The interesting thing is, campaigning at National Night Out Against Crime was strictly prohibited, but that didn’t stop Toby from peddling her candidacy for Senate. ‘Vote for me’ was the undertone, and a source heard her bragging about her upcoming election to a prospective voter…
Was it a crime in progress? Was it thinly disguised electioneering? The answer is obvious. The cops should have stopped her. Not a single person spoke up - not even a peep.
The Flushing community has long been ignored when Stavisky didn’t need the Asian vote, but now that she does, she’s using every trick in the book to pull the wool over the eyes of a neighborhood that has not seen or heard from her in a decade of lame duck tenure.
This is just another example of dirty incumbent campaigning, Stavisky style politics, bending the rules that don’t seem to apply to them.
Change is needed.

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