Monday, August 20, 2012

Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgendered Cocktail Reception for Toby Stavisky

Catholics, the religious Jewish community, and the Russian Community are in strong opposition to gay marriage, and now Toby Stavisky is being honored for her service not only to gay marriage but also in support of the lesbian, gay, and transgendered community. 
How much will she get at Club Evolution? Will they get $20 for a friend or $500 for an advocate? Is this the payback for her vote on gay marriage? Oh and by the way, joining Councilmember Dromm and Senator Stavisky is City Council Speaker Christie Quinn – the leader of one of the most corrupt City Councils in the history of municipal Government....
Invitation below:

LGBT Cocktail Reception for Hon. Toby Ann Stavisky NYS Senator, 16th District
Hosted by NYC Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Council Member Daniel Dromm and the Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens
Join us for a reception in support of NYS Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky, an early and strong supporter of Marriage Equality, the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA), increased funding for homeless and runaway LGBT youth, and many other issues near and dear to the LGBT community.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Club Evolution
76-19 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Suggested Donations:
$25 Friend
$50 Supporter
$100 Host
$250 Sponsor
$500 Advocate
Please make checks payable to: "FRIENDS OF TOBY ANN STAVISKY"
You may also donate online prior to the event:

1 comment:

  1. she should retire already as she does nothing to help anyone except her lobbyist son. she is not even nice to those who elect her or anyone she meets. She is clearly involved in corruption and we must set term limits of 4 yrs for all politiicans and judges make public aware that we can chose replacements for these incompetent losers. no one in albany when sessionn begins and handful of assembley membeers and senate members actually doing work during session shame corrupt and dysfunctional and informed that same in washington they only work for those that fund their races and pay them off such as lobbyists to push their issues through in bills and for their own self promotionn such as bills to help their type of law to line their own pockets get politicians out ot the courts
