Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Random Johns Support Toby Stavisky

Alright, if you've been in Flushing lately you'll see a ton of Toby Stavisky's campaign literature gracing the storefronts and graffiti clad buildings that host prostitution services for random Johns. There's something rotten in Flushing politics, and we believe this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ron Kim

Endorsing the happy ending.
In the wake of intense scrutiny of newspaper back page advertisements, a reader has sent us a disturbing picture indicative of  Toby Stavisky’s hypocrisy.
Here we have Toby and Ron Kim placing their official campaign signs in front of a well known brothel in downtown Flushing.
I am sick to my stomach. More often then not these brothels enslave vulnerable young women into a life of prostitution, and it just so happens that Toby Stavisky introduced legislation to stop violence against women.
“The role of government is to defend the most vulnerable among us — those who cannot defend themselves,” said Stavisky. But we guess that doesn’t matter during campaign season – she still wants the visibility and the votes from random Johns.
There’s your hypocrisy. Toby wants to help women, but a tacit endorsement of Flushing’s underground sex trade is blatantly visible.

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