Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Maybe After Malcolm Smith Does So Time He Can Make A Political Comeback Like Gordon


Crooked politicians of New York City, rejoice! Ex-Brooklyn Assemblywoman Diane Gordon, who in 2008 was convicted on eight counts of receiving bribes and official misconduct, has shown that a return to politics after prison is possible. Gordon, after two years in lock-up, is now running for district leader against Assemblywoman Inez Barron. But Gordon had her petitions challenged on the grounds that a felony conviction precluded Gordon from being on the ballot, and there were some legal questions about whether she would be eligible for a comeback. At a hearing yesterday, though, New York City Board of Elections general counsel Steve Richman issued an opinion stating that Gordon would be allowed on the ballot – because her parole had ended in late May. Let the speculation aboutCarl Kruger’s return to politics begin! 

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