Thursday, August 23, 2012

Council Redistricting Corruption Silence

TRUE NEWS:Many of his fellow reformer felt that Citizens Union puppet general Dick Dadey sold out last year when he supported Albany's compromise to put off independent redistrict for 10 years. But nothing can compare to Dadey and the rest of the goo goos, editorial boards and reformers silence on the corruption going on with the city council redistricting operation. For starters the appointed council redistricting commission is controlled by two people supporting Quinn for mayor in 2013. The council speaker herself and her puppet master the mayor. Although the redistricting commission work has just begun there are already reports that county bosses Crowley and Lopez, ethic and minority leaders are already dealing with Quinn operatives to cut districts favorable to them or those they support in exchange for their endorsement for Quinn's 2013 mayoral bid.

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