Thursday, August 2, 2012

Yen Chou Rises Above All Other Candidates

In the race for the 40th A.D vacated by Assembly Woman Grace Meng, the choice is becoming ever so clear as to who is the independent democrat that could effectively represent this diverse district.

Yen Chou has emerged as the frontrunner and probably the best suited to bring the community together.

On the flipside, Ron Kim is a tool for special interests and a lobbyist for the Parkside Group who is only running for public office to pad the pockets of Evan Stavisky, son of Senator Toby Stavisky and Harry Giannoulis, Parksides political hatchet man.

Integrity, honest, hard work, and commitment to community should be rewarded, not political lobbyists and special interests who push for their client instead of what’s right.

Ron Kim has NO real roots in this assembly district. He has not volunteered his time, he has not worked with any elected officials, he has not served the community. Therefore, we as a community should reject his candidacy.

I did not vote for Yen when she ran for City Council, but to her credit she stayed active, she stayed involved and she promoted positive change for her hometown. For these reasons I’m going to admire and respect her. 

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