Thursday, August 2, 2012

Stavisky camp responds to allegations of fraud by blaming her colleagues and supporters

I blame all of you.
Daily News Highlights Stavisky Flip-flopping.

Are you kidding? Have you read the news? We need someone with integrity and character, not someone when caught red-handed blames others rather than blame themselves for their actions or inaction.

Not one person like Toby Stavisky - or her spokesperson - called on the District Attorney or the Justice Department to arrest, or have the people who perpetrated identity theft and fraud (on her behalf to benefit herself) called for prosecution.

An elected public representative should be held to a higher standard.

After 30 plus years of a Stavisky in elected public office - and a son who is touted as a top notch as a political operator - shouldn’t someone have noticed the fraud?

Shouldn’t someone upon notification by the media taken some complicity and asked for those who perpetrated identity theft for political purposes been brought to justice?

Maybe the Staviskys cant do this because they are protecting Uma Sengupta - their political inroad to the Indian community and a former partner with disgraced former Assembly Member Brian McLaughlin?

The public deserves more than what the Staviskys give. Their legacy is a legacy of corruption, fraud, mismanagement, and waste. It’s time the electorate votes for change. 

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