Thursday, August 23, 2012

Are the Meng's Anti-Semitic?

Dan Halloran's camp calls out the Meng family for anti-semitic comments and says they are trying to divide and conqueor the community through vile, putrid, politicing.
Can't any Queens Politicians just admit when they are wrong instead of digging themselves deeper in the hole with more lies and deception?
Sometimes honesty is the best policy, but on the flipside maybe that's what Meng's sister was thinking when she said it.
An apology is neccesary especially when Grace Meng tried to throw cold water on this fire which is raging out of control
You can decide for yourself, or you can write to the Assemblywoman and tell her how upset you are.
The Grace Meng Strategy: Divide and Conquer
Assemblywoman Meng’s father was elected to the Assembly in 2002. His campaign was managed by Grace Meng.
Meng's strategy? Divide and conquer.

Caroline Meng, Grace's sister and a worker for the campaign, divided the Jewish and Asian communities with incendiary, anti-Semitic remarks.
Caroline "blamed (John) Liu and other members of the Flushing community for supporting Grodenchik, who is Jewish.

“It’s really sad how Asians can’t stick together,” Caroline Meng wrote at the time. “This is why we do not have any Asians holding prominent public office. The Jews stick together and that’s why they control everything.”
Queens Democrats weren't shy in denouncing the Meng campaign's anti-Semitism. Said Grodenchik strategist Evan Stavisky: “By refusing to denounce his campaign workers who made racist statements in the last campaign, Jimmy Meng has proven himself to be unfit to hold public office.”
How did Assemblywoman Meng “handle” these vile remarks?
Grace Meng attempted to defuse the situation by noting that her father’s attorney is Jewish and that the campaign had many Jewish supporters.

In response, Stavisky said, “Whether she developed these twisted, hateful thoughts as result of the campaign or as a result of her upbringing is something that remains to be addressed.”
As a local blog wrote, "Grace’s response sounded oddly familiar to that old refrain of 'Some of my best friends are Jewish or Black or Asian' or any other minority group we want to name. "
No one could remember Caroline -- or Grace -- ever issuing an apology to the Jewish or Asian community.
We’ve seen the Grace Meng strategy before.

Divide and conquer. Pit communities against each other. Play the race card.
New Yorkers deserve better.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, was once branded an anti-Semite for speaking out against wrongdoing by a Jewish clique. Anyone asking me for an apology receives the following two responses.

    1) F--- you.
    2) Go f--- yourself. If the truth offends, let it offend.
